About OIA

The demand for organic knowledge is in high demand, now more than ever. I am so lucky to live in a place that is full of farms, gardens, orchards, animals, mountains, water and fresh air. I have been busy finding out where the hidden gems of the Okanagan are in their most natural form and am going to share it with YOU. (all of my friends are saying “finally..”)

Organic living isn’t just a practice for our family, it has become a passion. So much so, that I will be a holistic nutritionist in 2013. This means I will be able to not only share information here, but help people in need at home. I also have been known to advocate about organic food by leading nutrition classes and am available to speak to groups, businesses or events.

My real “switch” started when my mother saw the benefits of eating clean after being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome years ago. I then felt the difference it made in my own body and as my family is growing, we feel blessed to live organically every day. I’ve also helped friends overcome issues & see the same success by changing their diet. There is NO DOUBT in my mind, body or spirit that eating well is key to optimal health. Food is 80% of your health! I am lucky to have a supportive husband who loves to garden and bake. We often find each other saying “Is that organic??” to one another at the grocery store as we study the labels intently. And as I have more children I can’t wait to see them thrive as first generation organikids. I HEART ORGANIC LIVING AND I HOPE YOU WILL TOO!

Megan, Andrew & Harper in Kelowna

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